We started our journey of managing bone and soft tissue sarcoma in 2008. Since then we are constantly evolving to get the best outcome for an individual. This is happening with the help of various friends, colleagues, patients and their families, industry leaders, Government bureaucrats, international specialists and philanthropists. This can only be done by a such a multispectral team with a common vision. We are a team of super specialists who are specialized in the management of bone and soft tissue tumors. 8000 Plus patients with such problems have been taken care with utmost care. We have presented our work in conferences like ISOLS, MSTS, APMSTS, IMSOS, EMSOS, widely and published in various medical journals as well. To enter a next level and the vision find an end to this unusually behaved diseases, we have started a movement called The Yellow Ribbon.
The Goal is to put life back to normalcy...
The Yellow Ribbon knows what exceptional service truly means particularly in the field of Oncology. Through personalized guidance and immense support, our team of highly skilled consultants, nurses and support staff ensure the best outcomes to put a child back to normalcy.

Fact - 70% are curable

Fact - 80% of bone tumors are not life threatening
First time, the right treatment is the way to go...
By thorough clinical evaluation along with relevant current investigations we ensure accurate diagnosis and the right treatment the first time. In Oncology, the first time is the best time to deliver the best to the patient. One patient at a time is the approach what we follow.
The workup everyone should know
Hearing the news of a suspected tumour can be dreadful for a patient and attenders. Until the diagnosis is confirmed, it is very important to stay calm and undergo an appropriate work up, as hurrying could lead to wrong diagnosis and devastating results, for both the patient and the treating doctor. Xray - MRI - Needle biopsy (Strictly no open biopsy) - PET-CT (+/-), is the sequential investigations order to be followed in most situations.
This is the dictum for treating bone tumours. Sacrificing the limb is almost obsolete, considering the evolution and options in limb salvage surgeries. We prefer biological bone reconstruction using allografts, prosthetic replacements, recycled autograft (liquid nitrogen/irradiated), free vascular grafts & hybrid 3D printed implants. Robotic assisted resections and navigation based resections are some of the other methods adapted as and when required.
Know the right way to do a Biopsy
Most of the times in an apprehension of a bone tumour / cancer, an inappropriate biopsy is common. The thumb rule is to have a complete noninvasive workup (Xray, MRI & PETCT) before the biopsy. The Biopsy has to be well planned as it may hamper the future Limb salvage surgery. It has to be performed systematically & always image guided. With advances in diagnostics like immunohistochemistry, molecular genetics, etc., it is better to have a sufficient quantity of sample to avoid redoing the procedure.
As most of our cases are related to muscles and bones, they require a longer rehab programme to gain strength, aid bone union and to restore function. With the help of our expert trained nurses and physical therapists we help to rehabilitate at the comfort of your home. This reduces the hospital visits, infection rates and cuts the overall expenditure. The care will be taught to the attenders of the long distance patients and shall be guided and regularly monitored through whatsapp.